Great Conquerors: Flavius Belisarius

The Saga of Belisarius - Tactical Genius and Loyalty

Flavius Belisarius

Hello Junior Conquerors, 

Welcome to this Edition of Great Conquerors where we will spotlight the legendary Byzantine general, Flavius Belisarius, Otherwise known as “The Last Roman”. This man led the reconquest of the Western Roman Empire from Barbarians, thereby fulfilling the dreams of Byzantine Emperor Justinian of reuniting the Roman Empire.

The saga of Belisarius's reconquest is a chronicle of brilliance, bravery, and unyielding determination. The campaign was not merely a series of military victories but a complex narrative of resilience in the face of adversity, strategic withdrawals, and hard-fought battles. Belisarius's reconquest of the Western Roman Empire emerges not just as a tale of empire and power but as a saga of the desire to restore what was lost, and the human capacity to conquer against overwhelming odds. His story encompasses the eternal human quest for glory and honour that shines through Roman History.

For this edition of Great Conquerors, the epicness of Belisarius's achievements does not lay in the territories reclaimed but in the legacy of his leadership. This is witnessed in his tactical genius and his unwavering loyalty to his emperor.

 Tactical Triumphs

The Siege of Rome (537-538 AD)

A masterclass in defense, where Belisarius's strategic ingenuity repelled the Goths, safeguarding Rome with a significantly outnumbered force.

The Battle of Dara (530 AD)

Outnumbered and facing a formidable Persian force, Belisarius engineered trenches and utilized clever troop formations to secure a decisive victory.

Tactical Ingenuity

Belisarius's campaign to reclaim the Italian Peninsula stands as a testament to his masterful command and strategic acumen. Despite facing the daunting task of confronting the Goths, who had established a formidable kingdom in Italy, Belisarius embarked on this campaign with forces that were notably inferior in number. The odds were not in his favour, yet what he lacked in manpower, he compensated for with superior strategy. He would frequently employ cunning tactics to outmaneuver larger Gothic forces, leveraging terrain, surprise attacks, and night raids to compensate for his numerical disadvantage. His ability to anticipate his enemy's moves and counter them effectively turned potential defeats into victories.

The Value:

To become a Master Strategist like the Last Roman, you must possess the skills, knowledge, and attributes necessary to rapidly assess a situation and understand multiple opponents. This includes grasping their psychology, desires, and needs; their strengths and weaknesses; and their physical, emotional, and resource limitations. Mastering how to utilize every bit of knowledge, mathematics, science, and available resources—and even tricks—to maneuver or manipulate them into creating the most favourable outcome at the most opportune moment is crucial. Strategy is fundamentally about making accurate assessments and thinking outside the box.

Furthermore, strategy demands absolute reason, which is attainable only when you can detach from your emotional responses. Here, mindfulness plays a critical role. By practicing mindfulness, observing your thoughts and feelings, you can sharpen your reasoning skills and enhance your strategic decisions.

Lastly, A deep understanding of what motivates your adversaries, what they hold dear, and how they respond under stress is essential for manipulating the dynamics of conflict to your advantage.


The Byzantine court was notorious for its intricate politics, where favour could shift rapidly, and success could breed enemies as easily as admiration. Emperor Justinian's frequent distrust of his generals, possibly fueled by those who envied Belisarius's successes, led to periods where Belisarius was stripped of his command, recalled to Constantinople, or even temporarily imprisoned. Rumours and accusations, often unfounded, circulated to undermine his position and achievements. Yet, in the face of these adversities, Belisarius remained steadfast in his dedication to the emperor and the empire.

Belisarius's loyalty can be seen as a reflection of his duty and his belief in the greater good of the empire. Despite the personal injustices he faced, including times when he was not given due credit for his victories or imprisoned to political machinations, he continued to serve Justinian with distinction and unbreakable faith. Belisarius's unwavering loyalty to Emperor Justinian is a testament to his heroic character.

The Value:

Belisarius's commitment to his country and emperor serves as a powerful example of selfless dedication and integrity, often in stark contrast to the prevailing norms of his time. Unlike many of his contemporaries, who pursued power through intrigue and betrayal, Belisarius's motivations were anchored in a profound sense of duty and a desire to uphold the stability and glory of the Byzantine Empire. This dedication was evident not only in his military successes but also in his personal sacrifices.

Despite achieving monumental victories and expanding the empire's territories, Belisarius remained humble and steadfastly loyal to Emperor Justinian, even when such loyalty cost him his prestige and personal safety. His ability to subordinate his desires and endure unjust treatment without retaliation highlights his exceptional character and moral fortitude. Belisarius's life teaches us the value of loyalty and service over personal ambition, illustrating that true greatness often lies in the strength of one's character and the depth of commitment to a cause greater than oneself. Through his actions, Belisarius embodied the virtues of a classical hero, whose legacy is not only measured by the lands he conquered but also by the respect and admiration he earned from both his peers and defeated foes.

The Symbol of the Conqueror's Quote

Conqueror’s Quote:
"The nature of the true hero is to strive, not to succumb." - Attributed to Belisarius

Interpretation: The essence of heroism lies in perseverance. Whatever the battlefield, be it personal challenges or professional endeavours, the spirit of persistence defines true victory and true character.

Next Edition Teaser:
Attila the Hun - Known as the Scourge of God. He was feared across the Roman Empire during the 5th century.


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