Great Conquerors: Oba Nobunaga

Defying Expectations and Cunning

Oda Nobunaga

Hello Esteemed Readers,

In this edition of Great Conquerors, I bring you the ruthless fool who waged a campaign to unify all of Japan under his banner. His name is Oda Nobunaga, a cunning strategist with innovative tactics and vicious determination, who embarked on a journey to bring order and unity to feudal Japan. Before rising to the rank of daimyo, he was considered an embarrassment to his clan, yet he defied all expectations to become one of the most influential figures in Japanese history.

Tactical Triumphs

Battle of Okehazama (1560)

Nobunaga defeated a larger force of the Imagawa Clan through a surprise attack on their encampment.  

The Battle of Nagashino (1575)

Nobunaga employed the use of matchlock guns and volley fire to decimate the cavalry charges of the Takeda clan.

Defy Expectations

Oda Nobunaga, nicknamed the “Fool of Owari” (Owari being his home province), was considered an embarrassment to his family due to his unconventional behaviour and disregard for customs (playing with peasant children and wearing women’s clothes). No one expected him to become a successful daimyo of his clan, and even his own brother rebelled against his rule.

The reality was that Oda cared little for the opinions of others and chose to behave as he pleased. Behind the flamboyant exterior was a man of cunning resolve, with his sights set on all of Japan.

The Value

One of the greatest joys you can experience happens when you defy expectations, pushing past the lowly opinions others hold of you, and showcasing your own prowess. This requires being oblivious to others’ negative opinions and free from the weight of embarrassment or criticism.

Remember this:
Always stay true to who you are, and never change your behaviour to satisfy others' wants.


Oda Nobunaga provides us with rich case studies on cunning tactics in both the battlefield and political arena. A truly fearsome daimyo of his time, his legacy is marked by his cunning political assassinations and innovative battlefield strategies.

Nobunaga was one of the first to extensively use firearms, recognizing their potential to revolutionize warfare. He implemented volley fire tactics, where ranks of soldiers fired in unison, creating devastating waves of gunfire that could decimate the infantry and cavalry charges of rival clans.

Another example of Nobunaga’s cunning happened in the lead-up to the Battle of Okehazama. Facing a much larger enemy force, Nobunaga devised a brilliant strategy to lure them into a trap. He ordered his troops to make deceptive displays, such as setting up dummy camps and lighting bonfires, to create the illusion of a scattered and disorganized army. This led the enemy to celebrate their victory prematurely, making them susceptible to a surprise attack.

The Value

To be cunning is to create a play, to orchestrate a series of events that unfold with precision and purpose. It's the art of weaving together various elements to achieve a desired outcome, often anticipating and outmaneuvering the moves of others.

To be cunning is to be a risk-taker, a person who is willing to bet on themselves.

From what I understand, the people who succeed at this orchestration are the ones who take a great deal of joy in it. you must be amused by your cunning abilities.

The Symbol of the Conqueror's Quote

Conqueror’s Quote:
"If you want to be a great man, act as if you are one." - Oba Nobunaga

Interpretation: This quote reflects Nobunaga's belief in the power of self-perception. He understood that belief in who you are can transform your entire existence.

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