Great Conquerors: Queen Tamar

Empathetic Leadership & Openness to Hostility

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Queen Tamar of Georgia, the Lioness of the Caucasus

Hello Conquerors,

I present to you Queen Tamar, the illustrious ruler of Georgia.

Her reign inspired an unparalleled outpouring of literary and cultural works, celebrating her life and qualities as a leader.

You could find acrostic poems honouring her adorning the walls of homes, listen to musicians in Iraq singing about her glorious reign, and witness travellers from Western Europe spreading tales about her virtues.

This glorious legacy makes her a worthy fit for this edition of Great Conquerors.

The topics we shall cover are:

Tamar’s Grand Achievement
Her Empathetic Leadership 
Her Openness to Hostility
Her Conqueror’s Quote

Grand Achievement 🏆️ 

Medieval Georgia

Under Queen Tamar's rule, Georgia underwent significant territorial expansion, reaching its greatest extent. This expansion, coupled with political stability, a cultural renaissance, and economic prosperity, led the kingdom into a glorious golden age.

Empathic Leadership 

Queen Tamar displayed remarkable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of those in her circle, from her civilian advisors to her army generals. She strived to recognize and understand their talents and potential vulnerabilities. This keen awareness enabled her to ensure their loyalty and effectively delegate tasks, ultimately fortifying her right to rule.

The Value: 

By understanding the motivations, desires, fears, and weaknesses of others, you can significantly improve your ability to connect and achieve your goals.

Think about how we naturally gravitate towards people who genuinely listen to and understand us. These empathetic individuals are the ones with whom we build healthy, lasting relationships. They are also the ones who know how to motivate, convince, bond, and support others in ways that help everyone achieve their goals.

To become more empathetic, cultivate the habit of listening to others more than you speak. Shift the focus away from yourself and truly engage with the thoughts and feelings of those around you. By doing so, you will develop the empathy needed to lead and Conquer!

Openness to Hostility

Tamar was a female ruler in a region that had never before experienced a non-male monarch. This unprecedented situation led to significant opposition, eventually resulting in invasions and revolts against her perceived "weakness and inadequacy" as a ruler.

In such threatening environments, many might choose to retreat and isolate themselves from would-be aggressors.

However, the brilliant Tamar chose instead to engage with these hostiles. She strived to fortify her position through alliances and harmonious relationships with her subjects and foreign kingdoms.

The Value:

In hostile or painful situations, our natural instinct is to contract and close up our bodies. Our breath quickens, and our solar plexus becomes tense. This is our way of physically isolating ourselves from discomfort and pain.

The problem with this reaction is that it renders us incapable of action. By retreating into this self-protective shell, we become easy targets, unable to respond effectively.

However, when you stand tall, relax the front of your body, breathe deeply, and face the problem head-on with an open gaze, you unlock your fullest intelligence. In this state, you are more attuned to opportunities and signals, allowing you to master the situation.

Therefore, open up, breathe, and engage directly with what lies ahead to access your true potential.

The Kingdom of Georgia under Tamar

The Symbol of the Conqueror's Quote

Conqueror’s Quote:
"He who has not seen Georgia in the time of Tamar has not known the true beauty and power of the world." - Medieval Georgian Saying

The quote stands as a testament to the glory and virtue of Queen Tamar, a woman who is beloved in a truly divine manner.

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