Hector of Troy

Masculine Ideal From Homer's Iliad

The Trojan Hero of the Iliad

Hector of Troy is one of The Enlightened Samurai's favourite fictional characters. Homer's Iliad (Ancient Greece Poem) portrays the Trojan prince as an admirable embodiment of masculinity. He exemplifies the heights a man can reach by dedicating himself to virtue, honour, bravery, compassion, service, and strength.

In this edition of The Enlightened Samurai, we shall speak to the greatness of Hector and how you can live up to this legendary ideal.

Hector and his wife Andromache

"I would rather die and be buried in the earth than hear your cries as you are dragged away." - Iliad Book 6

Interpretation: Hector shows his deep love and concern for Andromache, reflecting his dread of her fate if Troy falls

Hector’s Duty and Bravery

Hector is deeply committed to his responsibilities as a prince of Troy and a general of its army. His decisions are driven by an unwavering sense of duty to his city and not by personal desire.

Not only is Hector a dedicated leader, but he is also a formidable warrior, earning respect from both his allies and enemies. His bravery on the battlefield is legendary, embodying the traditional masculine traits of physical courage and strength. Yet, behind this valor lies a man constantly torn between his love for his family and his duty to his city.

What truly sets Hector apart is this inner conflict that shapes his character. How should a man balance the weight of his own heart with the expectations of an entire nation? Hector faces this challenge by choosing to release his personal attachments to his family and his own life, dedicating himself wholly to his duty as a warrior for the people of Troy.

Hector’s Quotes

The Legendary Clash of Hector and Achilles

"I must not be a coward, I must not shrink from battle, but stand forth to bear my part of the bitter end." 
Book 15, reinforcing his commitment to lead by example and not shirk from his responsibilities.

"Yet, if I stay to defend my son from the foe, then I bring disgrace upon myself, my name. And yet, I have great sorrow for the Trojans and for you, my wife, and for the little son I leave behind me." 
Book 6, during his conversation with Andromache, reflecting his torn feelings between his duty as a warrior and his love for his family.

"My doom has come upon me; let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter."
Book 22, as he prepares to face Achilles, acknowledges his fate but desires to achieve something memorable before his death.

"And fate? No man alive has ever escaped it, neither brave man nor coward, I tell you— it’s born with us the day that we are born."
Book 6, Hector embracing his inevitable death

How to be Like Hector

To channel the essence of Hector, you must embody divine masculinity epitomized by Shiva—the most erotic and fantasized version of masculinity. This divine form is imperturbable, wholly loving, fully present, and all-pervading.

The divine masculine remains unshaken in the face of challenges. The world cannot intimidate him because he stands firm within himself, anchored by an infinite reservoir of inner strength. He embraces the world with profound love and devotion, allowing his actions and intentions to be guided by deep, unconditional love, especially for his lover.

Engaging with the present moment with complete awareness, he experiences life fully without distraction or hesitation. His presence and influence extend beyond himself, touching and shaping the world around him. The divine can pervade the emotions of his lover and overcome any difficulty brought before him.

For Shiva, the world is lila—a divine play filled with ups and downs, glorious triumphs, and unexpected pitfalls. By adopting this perspective, you transform every challenge into an opportunity for growth, and every victory into a celebration of life’s beauty.

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Remember this

Be fully conscious, with firm integrity, full of shakeable love and supremely confident in your mission.

Our Next Edition

The next edition of The Enlightened Samurai will feature the long-awaited "Great Conquerors: Saladin Ayyub, the Bane of the Crusader States." We are also thrilled to announce our partnership with Rundown AI for this edition.

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