Psychic Powers Part 2

Creation In Alpha State


Hello Prodigies,

You may not realize this yet, but psychic powers are more real than you can imagine. The ability to use your consciousness to shape the world around you is a power within your grasp. Countless cultures and spiritual practices around the world have long recognized the existence of such abilities. During the Cold War, the CIA even conducted a secret project to experiment with out-of-body experiences and psychic abilities, or what they called Extrasensory Perception (ESP). These abilities suggest a latent potential within us all, a bridging of the mind and the material that science is only beginning to understand.

My apologies if this newsletter edition is too long, I wanted to jam-pack as much value as possible.

This series is not a passive read, if you think you have what it takes to succeed, then continue.

This is Part Two of the Psychic Powers Series (Click here to read the introduction and to understand what is being taught here). In this second installment, we shall cover:

  • Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

  • Organized and Dynamic activities in Alpha State

  • Commandments of Alpha State Creation

  • Creating Events in Alpha State

  • When Desire Becomes a Block

Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

Beta - Awake State

Beta is present when we are alert, engaging in problem solving, decision making, focused mental activity, and active conversation. A heightened state of beta is associated with anxiety, stress, or panic.

Alpha - Meditative State

Alpha is considered the gateway to the subconscious mind and is linked to creativity, relaxation, and decreased anxiety. It often serves as a bridge between the conscious mind and other subconscious activities.

Theta - Sleep State

Theta is found in daydreaming, deep meditation, and light sleep, including the REM dream state. It is also linked to increased creativity, memory, and emotional experiences.

Organized and Dynamic activities in Alpha State

Now we can use the Alpha state to solve problems and alter our very existence. By entering deeper brainwave frequencies, we reach higher and purer levels of consciousness. This consciousness flows within us all and is intrinsically connected to the world around us. By tapping into this higher consciousness, we can shape our reality and influence the world around us in profound ways.

Understand that reality cannot exist without consciousness; it is depicted by our collective perception. You must recognize that the power of creation is within you.

  • "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).

  • "The Divine Light is within everyone; You are that Light" (Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 663).

  • "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16).

To begin, let’s first recognize the difference between Alpha memory and Beta memory. Simply think of something pleasant that happened in the past couple of days. Review it briefly in your mind and project it onto your mental movie screen, as described in the introduction (Starting Your Psychic Journey). From this exercise, you’ll quickly learn that the immersive quality of Alpha memory is far superior to Beta.

This is the stepping stone to something greater. You can now review situations in the Alpha state to help you find lost items, remember things, and relive experiences. By doing so, you access a richer, more vivid layer of your consciousness, allowing you to solve problems more effectively and connect deeply with your inner self and the world around you.

Commandments of Alpha State Creation

To create a real event from your imagination. you must follow these commandments.

Commandment 1: You must desire that the event take place. the event must evoke a sufficient degree of desire within you to effectively use your higher consciousness.

Commandment 2: You must believe the event can or has taken place. As discussed in the Great Conqueror’s Special Edition, belief is truly powerful. Belief is the basis of creation. You must wholeheartedly believe that something is possible for it to happen. Your conviction gives power to your intention.

Commandment 3: You cannot create negativity. Higher, pure consciousness exists without negativity, therefore you will not be able to create problems in Alpha or the deeper frequencies. This is the all-controlling Commandment.

Now do these commandments guarantee success? of course not, they merely guide you down the right path.

Creating Events in Alpha State

Pick an event that would be a solution to a problem you face and follow this guide:

Step 1:

On your mental screen, thoroughly re-create a recent event which involved your problem. Immerse yourself in it. Recall the details vividly—the sights, sounds, and emotions associated with the problem. Allow yourself to fully experience this scene.

Step 2:

Gently push this scene off the screen to the right. Now, slide in from the left a new scene that shows your solution solving the problem. Visualize this new scene as vividly as possible. See the actions you take and the positive outcomes they bring. Believe in the solution you are visualizing and feel the confidence it instills.

Step 3:

Push this scene off the screen to the right and slide in from the left the result of your solution. Experience this result vividly. See yourself enjoying the benefits of having solved the problem. Feel the relief, happiness, and satisfaction that come with this resolution. Stay in this scene for a while to fully embrace and internalize the feeling of success.

Step 4:

At the count of five, you will be wide awake, feeling better than before. You feel confident that you have just solved your problem with your consciousness.

  1. One...

  2. Two...

  3. Three...

  4. Four...

  5. Five. You are now fully awake and ready to embrace the positive changes you have visualized.

We are moving from left to right in the exercise because deeper levels of our mind experience time flowing from left to right (future on the left and past on the right). This will be explained further in future editions.

When Desire Becomes a Block

Desire, especially strong desire, frequently blocks our getting what we want. To understand how desire can create blockage consider the plight of a young woman, who longs deeply for a lover. Every day, she fantasizes about meeting her perfect match, filling pages of her journal with dreamy scenarios and confiding her desires to her friends. Her evenings are spent in a wistful haze, imagining the romantic moments she yearns for. This intense longing gradually morphs into an obsession, and she becomes emotionally attached to the idea of love.

As the Buddha wisely said, “Attachment is the root cause of suffering.” her attachment causes her profound pain as she constantly ruminates over the absence of love in her life. Each day without her imagined partner feels like a wound in the heart, breeding a sense of inadequacy and negativity within her.

As discussed in a previous edition of our newsletter, our inner emotional states seep into the outer world. Her growing negativity leads her to withdraw from potential opportunities to meet new people. She becomes trapped in a cycle of suffering, her despair creating a barrier that sabotages her ability to recognize and embrace the possibilities around her.

One particularly difficult night, overwhelmed by intense longing and sorrow, she finds herself crying her heart out. In this moment of vulnerability, she decides to let go of her negativity and releases her desperate need for a lover. feeling the ecstasy and peace of the moment, She resolves to practice surrendering all her built-up emotions and negativity as a regular habit.

As she begins this journey of self-liberation, she gradually discovers joy and contentment in the love of her family and friends. She learns to appreciate the beauty in everyday interactions and the support system she has always had. Over time, she starts to radiate happiness from within, finding peace in non-attachment and relishing the freedom it brings.

Then, unexpectedly, on a bright Saturday morning at her local café, her life takes a long-awaited turn. As she sips her coffee, lost in a book, she feels a presence nearby. Looking up, she meets the eyes of a stranger who smiles warmly at her and conversation sparks. At that moment, something clicks. and she realizes that by letting go of her obsession, she has made space for a genuine loving connection.

"[those] who [have] no attachments can really love others, for [their] love is pure and divine."

(Bhagavad Gita 2:55)

This example illustrates how desire can hamper our creation efforts. As explained in our commandments, consciousness exists without negativity. This young woman was unable to connect to her higher consciousness because of this negativity stemming from uncontrolled desire.

Therefore, when you practice your visualizations, you must surrender all negative thoughts and keep desire in check. By doing so, you remove any blockages, allowing your higher consciousness to naturally make everything fall into place for you.


The Symbol of Higher Consciousness

"The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world." — Deepak Chopra

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." — William Blake

“Only when you let go of negativity, will consciousness work for your benefit”. - The Enlightened Samurai

The Psychic Symbol

The Enlightened Samurai will offer free mentorship calls to anyone who needs help on this psychic journey. If you have any questions or need a mentor, don’t hesitate to book a phone call using this Calendly link:

Otherwise, you can tweet at and comment on the website.

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