School of the Red Samurai

Enthusiasm Comes from the SOUL

 Welcome to the School of the Red Samurai!

In this edition, he shall cover the divinity of enthusiasm. this is his message:

To be enthusiastic is to be powerful, to dominate life by its reins!
It is the bridge between dreams and reality, the spark that turns vision into action. With enthusiasm, you are unstoppable, a force of nature that can overcome any obstacle.

The Red Samurai is the Warrior of Ambition

Domain: passion, belief and their subcategories.

Before: Lacking passion, feeling unmotivated, and struggling with self-belief

After: Radiates passion and confidence, while pursuing grand ambitions.

Writing Style: Supremely confident, defiant and religious. he speaks in grand terms.

Strategy for this edition: reveal your true self to make you enthusiastic.


What is this short life? What do you believe happens after? To me, this life is merely the temporary existence of the soul.

and If I am the soul, then the death of the body has little hold on me. I know I shall be reborn again, enter paradise, or face the depths of hell.

Whatever happens, I know that I am not the body, I am not the senses, nor the mind and its desires, for I am greater than them all!

With this mindset, how can I not be enthusiastic? For victory and loss of the body is meaningless to me.

I am the imperishable Soul!

Childhood Enthusiasm

Can you recall your childhood sense of optimism and adventure? The feeling of endless opportunity that flowed through you? You once had the belief that you could do anything, be anything and solve anything.

This was enthusiasm. You once had this because you were free of responsibilities as a child and witnessed everything as “play”.

To regain this enthusiasm, you must find “play” (in other words “joy”) in everything you do.

Release negativity within and simply have fun!

Enthusiasm flows naturally when you realize that every experience, every struggle, is a chance to express the eternal joyful spirit within you.

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” - Aldous Huxley

Enthusiasm is incredibly attractive 

The most attractive people in the world are often the most enthusiastic.

The attractive energy of enthusiasm can radiate from you, mesmerizing people in your glow.

This energy often stems from a genuine interest in life—a simple curiosity about everything and the pursuit of worthy aspirations.

A person who adopts this enthusiasm becomes irresistible.

Embrace every moment with the vigour of one who knows that their true self is indestructible

Mental Health

Bad Mental Health = No Enthusiasm

Negative emotional states act like heavy, suffocating blankets, stifling the light within us. Depression often robs individuals of their vibrancy, replacing it with a sense of numbness or profound sadness.

In such conditions, enthusiasm doesn't merely diminish; it vanishes entirely.

you become a hollow decrepit shell.

Therefore, to cultivate enthusiasm, it is imperative to prioritize mental health.

*accurate depiction of depression leaving your body*

His final Message:
You unlock boundless enthusiasm when you understand that you are more than flesh and bone and that your essence transcends the material.

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