Surrender Yourself

Why are you writing about surrendering?

The most powerful spiritual wisdom The Enlightened Samurai can offer to you, is to simply surrender yourself. We are delving into spiritual wisdom because it represents the apotheosis of self-improvement. It involves deepening your understanding of yourself and peeling back the layers of your identity and existence.

Most importantly, this journey equips you with the tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Surrender, in this context, means accepting life as it unfolds, embracing both triumphs and trials with equanimity. It is not about passive resignation but about actively engaging with life in a way that aligns with deeper joy and peace.

What is the Surrendered State?

The surrendered state means being free of negative feelings so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or the interference of inner conflicts. Surrendering involves yielding to, rather than opposing, the flow of life. You do so by relinquishing inner resistance to the present moment.

In this state, you experience a sudden drop in tension, accompanied by feelings of relief and lightness, alongside a boost in joy and freedom.

In the surrendered state, the body’s physiology changes. There are detectable improvements in skin color, breathing, pulse, blood pressure, muscle tension, gastrointestinal function, and specific blood chemistry measures

How to Surrender

Surrendering involves becoming aware of feelings, you let the feelings come up, you stay with them, and let them run their course without doing anything to them. You do not feed or change these feelings. The focus is on releasing the energy behind the feeling from within. Resistance often prolongs feelings, but when you cease resisting or trying to modify what you feel, the emotion naturally progresses to the next state, usually accompanied by a calming sensation.

When letting go, ignore all thoughts, and just focus on feelings. We carry around with us a huge reservoir of accumulated negative feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. This accumulated pressure makes us miserable and is the basis of many of our illnesses and problems.

This accumulated pressure often causes our incessant thinking. A single emotion can generate thousands of thoughts if allowed to take control. Therefore, when letting go, it's not the thoughts themselves you need to release, but rather the underlying feelings causing these thoughts.

Feelings that we let go of may still return because they have built up pressure within us and still have more to give. therefore, this process of letting go is continuous and should become a subconscious habit.

How our Emotional State Impacts our lives

We often transmit our emotional states and thoughts unknowingly, shaping the very fabric of our existence. The emotions we harbour, whether openly expressed or buried deep within, have a significant impact on the people who enter our lives and the events that unfold around us. On a psychic level, both repressed and acknowledged emotions play a critical role, guided by the principle that "like attracts like." For instance, if we have love within us, it will fosters more love in our lives, if we have anger, it will begets further anger, and if we have sadness, it will perpetuate further sadness for us.

Our lives are molded by our emotional aura; it is through the act of letting go of negativity and embracing surrender that we can cultivate a positive aura and manifest a life filled with joy.

The Opposite of Surrendering is suppression, expression, and escape

  • In suppression, we push feelings down and put them aside

  • In expression, we vented, verbalized, or embodied our feelings

  • In Escape, we avoid our feelings through diversion.

These strategies, while temporarily relieving, ultimately exacerbate our emotional turmoil over time and obstruct our path to a fulfilled existence.

The Truth of Stress

“Stress is not what happens to us. it is our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose”

Maureen Killoran

The source of “Stress” is internal. The readiness to react with stress depends on how much stress is already present within you. This is called “guarded expectancy”. A person carrying a lot fear/sadness/guilt within them will naturally view the world through that feeling. To the fearful, the world is scary and dangerous. To the guilt, the world is full of temptation and pitfalls.

Stress results from the accumulated pressure of our repressed and suppressed feelings. this pressure seeks relief and so external events can trigger this repression.

Consequently, the key to alleviating stress lies in releasing it from our bodies, rather than merely adjusting to external circumstances.

How Surrender will Change you

By cultivating the habit of letting go, you step into a realm of freedom. Emotions ebb and flow, yet you remain steadfast, an observer of these transient states. Over time, you will find yourself becoming increasingly detached from these fleeting feelings, realizing that the real “you” is merely witnessing them. This true self remains unchanged and fully conscious. Eventually, you will transcend being affected by temporary emotions and will no longer suffer or feel victimized by them.

Surrendering to the flow of life allows us to work in harmony with its rhythms, turning what might seem like obstacles into opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Life then becomes our most faithful ally, not our stance adversary.

The Enlightened Samurai would like to show its gratitude to all of it’s readers. We hope we are succeeding in our purpose of giving you the tools and wisdom to become the greatest version of yourself.

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