Psychic Powers Part Three

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Hello Prodigies,

Welcome to Part Three!

In this edition, we’ll dive into valuable insights to help you enhance your life and fine-tune your psychic abilities for optimal results.

These are the links to part one and part two.

Today’s topics are:

  • Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

  • Your Consciousness depicts your life situation.

  • Joy is the basis of Creation

  • 3 to 1 Countdown Technique

  • Love for Healing

Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

Beta - Awake State

Beta is present when we are alert, engaging in problem solving, decision making, focused mental activity, and active conversation. A heightened state of beta is associated with anxiety, stress, or panic.

Alpha - Meditative State

Alpha is considered the gateway to the subconscious mind and is linked to creativity, relaxation, and decreased anxiety. It often serves as a bridge between the conscious mind and other subconscious activities.

Theta - Sleep State

Theta is found in daydreaming, deep meditation, and light sleep, including the REM dream state. It is also linked to increased creativity, memory, and emotional experiences.

Introducing → Delta- Deep Sleep State

Delta allows for the body's physical healing and regeneration process, promoting immune system function and cell repair. It is also linked to the unconscious mind, and its presence often signifies a state of complete relaxation, where external awareness is minimal and the brain is fully at rest.

Your Consciousness depicts your life situation.

You are not truly conscious when you're lost in thoughts of the past or future. In these moments, you're operating on autopilot, allowing habitual reactions, anxieties, and unresolved emotions to dictate your actions.

This is what you need to change!

Become conscious and stay rooted in the present moment. Focus on your breath, focus on the space between your eyes, focus on silence, focus on the space around you—simply build the habit of bringing your attention to the now.

This is the foundation of everything being taught in this series: to become a more conscious human being. Only then can you break free from limiting cycles and truly harness the power of psychics.

Joy is the basis of Creation

To effectively apply all the visualization techniques addressed in this series, you need to be in a state of Joy.

Why? Because joy elevates your energy and vibration, aligning you with the creative power of the universe.

When you feel joy, you move beyond resistance, fear, and doubt. These lower-frequency emotions create mental blocks that limit your ability to clearly visualize and attract what you desire.

Joy, on the other hand, opens the mind and heart, making your visualizations more vibrant, detailed, and effective. It’s like planting seeds in fertile soil; joy enriches the creative process and gives your intentions the energy they need to grow.

3 to 1 Countdown Technique

This is a new technique you can try to enter the lower brainwaves.

  • Step 1: Find a quiet space where you can sit or lie down comfortably.

  • Step 2: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, relaxing your body and mind.

  • Step 3: Mentally count down from 3 to 1, repeating each number slowly three times. As you count, imagine yourself going deeper into relaxation. You can visualize descending a staircase or sinking deeper into a calm, peaceful place. For example, you would say mentally, “3… 3… 3, I am relaxing deeper. 2… 2… 2, I am going deeper. 1… 1… 1, I am now deeply relaxed.”

  • Step 4: As you reach "1," visualize yourself at a serene place, like a quiet beach, a peaceful meadow, or wherever you feel calm. This helps your mind and body enter a lower brainwave state.

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Love for Healing

Love creates a sense of connection, safety, and belonging. When we experience love—whether through self-love, the love of others, or unconditional love—it soothes emotional wounds and reduces feelings of isolation, fear, and sadness. This positive emotional state helps release emotional blockages that may be causing distress or unhealthy patterns of behaviour.

When we experience love, the body responds by producing beneficial hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones not only boost our mood but also enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote faster healing from physical injuries or illnesses.

Clearly, love is an incredibly powerful healing tool.

Therefore, practice this technique to enhance the body’s healing process using love:

  1. In Beta, affirm that you are a loving person and see love as an end in itself.

  2. Enter Alpha or lower using the techniques from this series.

  3. In this state, affirm that you are loving and forgiving, using loving thoughts and words.

  4. Mentally experience the illness that is troubling you. Use the mental screen to see and feel the illness. This should be brief; its purpose is simply to focus your love where it is needed.

  5. Erase the image and see yourself completely healed, experiencing the joy and freedom of perfect health. Hold onto this image and enjoy it, knowing you deserve it.

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