Psychic Powers Part One

Hello Prodigies, 

You may not realize it yet, but psychic powers are more than just fantasy.

The term 'psychic powers' refers to the ability to use your consciousness to subtly shape the world around you.

These powers, long recognized by countless cultures and spiritual practices, have even been the subject of secret CIA experiments during the Cold War.

Of course, these aren’t the over-the-top tricks you see in Marvel movies, but they do reveal a fascinating connection between consciousness and our reality.

You may still have your doubts, and that's understandable. But I encourage you to keep an open mind.

You might be surprised by the innate potential you possess as a conscious human being.

So, read on to begin your psychic journey!

This edition’s topics:

  • Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

  • How to enter Alpha

  • How to Start Your Psychic Journey

  • The Power of Words for the Psychic

Frequency Ranges of Brainwave Activity

Beta - Awake State

Beta is present when we are alert, engaging in problem solving, decision making, focused mental activity, and active conversation. A heightened state of beta is associated with anxiety, stress, or panic.

Alpha - Meditative State

Alpha is considered the gateway to the subconscious mind and is linked to creativity, relaxation, and decreased anxiety. It often serves as a bridge between the conscious mind and other subconscious activities.

Theta - Sleep State

Theta is found in daydreaming, deep meditation, and light sleep, including the REM dream state. It is also linked to increased creativity, memory, and emotional experiences.

How to Enter Alpha

During the early hours of the morning, sit with your spine straight and angle your eyes upward at a 20-degree angle (trust me, it helps—don’t ask why). Begin by counting backward from one hundred to one, at two-second intervals, while maintaining steady, optimal breaths. This process will help you focus and center your mind.

As you reach one, you should feel more relaxed and enter the alpha brainwave state. This state is the gateway to tapping into your all-powerful consciousness. In future editions, we’ll explore the plethora of activities you can do in this state. For now, let’s focus on making it easier to reach the Alpha state.

To reduce the time it takes to reach alpha, start by following the hundred-to-one method for ten mornings. Then, reduce it to fifty-to-one for the next ten mornings, followed by twenty-five to one for another ten mornings, then ten to-one, and finally, five-to-one—each stage lasting ten mornings.

Once you progress to the five-to-one stage, you can continue using this method:

I will slowly emerge as I count from one to five, feeling wide awake and better than before. One—two—prepare to open your eyes—three—open your eyes—four—five—eyes open, wide awake, feeling better than before.

Once you build the routine to reach the alpha level using the five-to-one method in the morning, you can now train yourself to achieve this state anytime in the day. Using this method:

Be seated and hold your head well-balanced, with your eyes open or closed. Concentrate on different parts of your body to relax them. Begin with your left foot, then move to your left leg, followed by your right foot, and then your right leg, continuing in this manner until you reach the top of your head. Feel the relaxation in the various parts of your body where tension has built up. Once everything feels relaxed, begin your countdown from fifty to one.

Practice the fifty-to-one method for 10 days, then switch to counting from twenty-five to one, followed by ten to one, and finally five to one. There you have it: with this gradual approach, you can learn to reach the Alpha level at will.

Starting your Psychic Journey

To begin your psychic journey, practice visualization at the Alpha level. Visualization is the foundation of psychic power and a potent tool in your rise to greatness. But first, you must hone your visualization skills to make them as effective as possible.

Close your eyes and start by visualizing a theatre screen right in front of you, as if you are at a movie theatre.

Practice visualizing familiar objects, focusing on a single object for each session. Concentrate on making the object appear more realistic and three-dimensional, including all the necessary details.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the smell of the object?

  • What does the object feel like?

  • What is the object used for, or how does it taste?

The Power of Words for the Psychic

Words may seem casual to you, but they can wield incredible power. A wise psychic knows how to use their words for the utmost benefit. They understand that too much talking, exaggeration, or lies can weaken the power of words. This is why the prayers or affirmations of many people do not produce any desired, definite change in their lives.

Understand that when your words are saturated with sincerity, conviction, faith, and intuition, they can become akin to highly explosive vibration bombs. When you utter these words, you shall blast through the rocks of difficulties and create the desired change in your life.

Speak your words from the soul.

The Psychic Symbol

If you have any questions about this edition, you are more than welcome to tweet at

This is a re-upload of Psychic Powers Part 1. Click here to read Part 2.


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